Amol University of Special Modern Technologies

About Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

About Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, part of Mazandaran University, was established in 2009 under the management of Dr. Akbar Hajizadeh Moghadam in the city of Amol. The license for this faculty was issued in 2003. Initially, the faculty was built on the late Mrs. Tafazoli's endowed land and was temporarily launched on Jihad Street. For the first time, two fields of Health and Meat Inspection and Food Hygiene were established at the undergraduate level and launched in this faculty. Currently, programs in Veterinary Medicine, Bachelor of Veterinary Laboratory Sciences, Bachelor of Food Hygiene, Bachelor of Meat Inspection and Health, and Master of Food Hygiene and Quality Control are held at this faculty.
Since the inception of this college, alongside research and development of human resources and necessary infrastructures, the primary goal of the university's administration and the faculty members has always been to educate and train capable and skilled graduates to meet the needs of the country's industry. In this regard, human development and the recruitment of young, enthusiastic, and passionate faculty members for teaching students have been at the forefront of the work, with the support of the esteemed presidency of the Amol University of Special Modern Technologies.
On the other hand, one of the aspects of the development of veterinary colleges is the establishment of the general veterinary medicine doctorate program, which is considered a benchmark for the profession and an extremely important educational mission for all veterinary colleges. This has been one of the main concerns of the college's faculty members since its founding, and significant efforts have been made in this regard. With God's help, we will achieve this in the near future.