Amol University of Special Modern Technologies



Dr. Akbar Hajizadeh Moghaddam

President of Amol University of Special Modern Technology


Personal Information: 

First Name: Akbar

Surname: Hajizadeh Moghaddam

Associate Professor, Department of Biology - University of Mazandaran


TEL: 98-01144442137      Email:


Academic Background:

PhD in Biology, Animal Sciences - Physiology 2001-2006

MSc in Biology, Animal Sciences - Physiology 1998-2000


Research Interests: 

 Neurodegenerative Diseases, Oxidative Stress


Administrative Activities Background:

  • Head of Biology Department (2017 - present)
  • President of the Amol University of Special Modern Technologies (2013 - 2016)
  • Head of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (2009 - 2013)
  • Head of Biology Department (2007 - 2009)