Amol University of Special Modern Technologies
Hossein Esfandian

Journal Papers:

  1. H Esfandian, MR Cherati, M Khatirian, Electrochemical behavior and photocatalytic performance of chlorpyrifos pesticide decontamination using Ni-doped ZnO-TiO2 nanocomposite, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 111750.
  2. Samia Riaz, Qasim Ali, Zuhra Khanam, Hadi Rezazadeh, Hossein Esfandian, Modeling and computation of nanofluid for thermo-dynamical analysis between vertical plates, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 237, 1750-1760.
  3. H Esfandian, S N Motevalian, removal of diazinon insecticide from aqueous solutions by polypyrrole onto polyvinyl alcohol composite, Environment and Water Engineering, 9,153-167.
  4. H Esfandian, Fenitrothion pesticide adsorption from aqueous solution using copper nanopar-ticles modified 13X zeolite , Desalination and Water Treatment, 230, 400-410
  5. H Esfandian, Optimization of Mercury Adsorption Process from Aqueous Solutions using Polypyrrol/clinoptilolite Composites with Taguchi Method, Environment and Water Engineering 7 (2), 192-206.
  6. H Esfandian, M Goodarzian Urimi, A Shokoohi Rad, Risk assessment of gasoline storage unit of national iranian oil product distribution company using phast software, International Journal of Engineering 34 (4), 763-768.
  7. H Esfandian, Z Beiramzadeh, E Shekarian, R Katal, Improvement in biodegradability of paper mill wastewater by anatase TiO 2 predominant in {001} facet in the batch and packed bed photoreactor (PBPR), International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-8.
  8. H. Esfandian, S. Ghanbari Pakdehi, M. Cattallany, Development of a novel method for sodium azide removal from aqueous solution using amberlite IRA-900: batch and column adsorption studies, Desalination and Water Treatment 193, 381-391.
  9. H Esfandian, N Esfandian, M Rezazadeh, Modeling and Comparison of Optimized Isotherm Models for H2, N2, CO, CH4 and CO2 Adsorption Using Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm, IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications 33 (5), 712-719.
  10. H Esfandian, V Garshasbi, Investigation of methane adsorption on molecular sieve zeolite (from natural materials, Gas Processing Journal 8 (2), 35-50.
  11. H Esfandian, A Samadi-Maybodi, B Khoshandam, M Parvini, Experimental and CFD modeling of diazinon pesticide removal using fixed bed column with Cu-modified zeolite nanoparticle, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 75, 164-173.
  12. H Esfandian, A Samadi-Maybodi, M Parvini, B Khoshandam, Development of a novel method for the removal of diazinon pesticide from aqueous solution and modeling by artificial neural networks (ANN), Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry 35, 295-308.
  13. H Esfandian, M Parvini, B Khoshandam, A Samadi-Maybodi, Artificial neural network (ANN) technique for modeling the mercury adsorption from aqueous solution using Sargassum Bevanom algae, Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (37), 17206-17219.
  14. H Esfandian, B Khoshandam, M Parvini, A Samadi-Maybodi, An analysis of the sensitivity of fixed bed adsorption for diazinon removal: experimental and modeling studies., Desalination and Water Treatment 70, 330-338.

Books :

  1. H Esfandian, N Motevalian, E Shekarian, R Katal, S Rimaz, Chemical Recycling of Plastic Waste, chapter book, Solid Waste Management, 140-157, 2023.
  2. H Esfandian, SK Eshkalak, R Katal, Green Materials from Agricultural Waste for Wastewater Treatment and Remediation, Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 1-9, 2023.
  3. Hossein Esfandian, Saeideh Kholghi Eshkalak, Pouneh Ebrahimi, Reza Katal, Green Lithium Ion Batteries, Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2023.
  4. Hossein Esfandian, Amir Hoshang Taheri, Saeideh Kholghi Eshkalak, Reza Katal, Application of Adsorbents Prepared from Waste for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Water and Wastewater, Handbook of solid waste management, 2021.