Amol University of Special Modern Technologies
Saeed Seifi

Journal Papers:

  1. Seifi S, Asasi K, Mohammadi A. A study of natural co-infection caused by avian influenza (H9 subtype) and infectious bronchitis viruses in broiler chicken farms showing respiratory signs. Online Journal of Veterinary Research 2009; 13(1): 55-62.
  2. Seifi S, Asasi K, Mohammadi A. Natural co-infection caused by avian influenza (H9 subtype) and infectious bronchitis viruses in broiler chicken farms. Veterinarski Arhiv 2010; 82(2): 269-281.
  3. Seifi S, Asasi K, Mohammadi A, Shirzad MR, Pourfallah M. Serological and gross findings in broilers that co-infected with AIV and IBV. Online Journal of Veterinary Research 2010; 14(1): 87-94.
  4. Mohammadi M, Masoudiyan M, Nemati Y, Seifi S. Serological and molecular study on Avian Influenza subtype H9N2 in domestic pigeon in Kawar, Fars province. Iranian Veterinary Journal 2010; 6 (2): 61-66.
  5. Salianeh N, Shirzad MR, Seifi S. Performance and Antibody Response of Broiler Chickens Fed Diets Containing Probiotic and Prebiotic. Journal of Applied Animal Research 2011; 32(1), 65-67.
  6. Shirzad MR, Gheisari HR, Seifi S, Abdi Hachesoo B, habibi H, Bujmehrani H. Prevalence and risk factors for subclinical coccidiosis in broiler chicken farms in Mazandaran province (Iran). Trop Anim Health Prod 2011; 43, 1601-1604.
  7. Seifi S. and Shirzad M.R. Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Mycoplasma gallisepticum Infection in Iranian Broiler Breeder Farms. International Journal Animal and Veterinary Advance 2012; 4(1): 45-48.
  8. Seifi S. and Shirzad M.R. Incidence and risk factors of Mycoplasma synoviae infection in broiler breeder farms of Iran. Vet. World 2012; 5(5): 265-268.
  9. Seifi S. and Shirzad M.R. Risk factors and seroprevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in broiler breeder farms in Mazandaran province, north of Iran. Revue Méd. Vét. 2012; 163(5): 215-218.
  10. Tavakoli Vaskas A., Esmaili Dahesht A., Seifi S., Rahmani M., Motaghifar A., Safanavaee R. Study and comparison of the bacterial contamination outbreak of chicken meat consumed in some cities of Mazandaran Province (Iran). African Journal of Microbiology Research 2012; 6(33): 6286-6290.
  11. Seifi S. Prevalence and risk factors for Listeria monocytogenes contamination in Iranian broiler flocks. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 2012; 40(4): 1-6.
  12. Seifi S. Seroprevalence and isolation of Ornithobacteriun rhinotracheale in broiler flocks in Mazandaran province, north of Iran. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2012; 15(3): 184−190.
  13. Seifi S., Asasi K., Mohammadi A. An experimental study on broiler chicken co-infected with the specimens containing avian influenza (H9subtype) and infectious bronchitis (4/91 strain) viruses. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research 2012; 13(2): 138-140.
  14. Seifi S., Shirzad M.R., Habibi H. Effects of Probiotic Yoghurt and Prebiotic Utilization on Performance and Some Haematological Parameters in Broiler Chickens. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 2013; 41: 1-6.
  15. Khoshbakht R., Seifi S., Tabatabaei M., Shirzad Aski H., Ranjbar V., B. Abdi Hacheso. Mycoplasma gallisepticum strains with identical random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns in chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) and broilers: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina 2013; 58(5): 284–288.
  16. Seifi S. Risk factors and seroprevalence of Mycoplasma Synoviae infection in broiler breeder farms in Mazandaran province, north Iran. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd) 2013; 63(2-3): 303-309.
  17. Seifi S., Shirzad M.R. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolated from free range poultry or wild birds at the southern Caspian Sea coast of Iran. J HELLENIC VET MED SOC 2013; 64(4): 249-254.
  18. Seifi S. An investigation of the effects of using an enzyme-probiotic combination on broilers performance. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2013; 7(4):299-304.
  19. Seifi S., Alian Samakkhah S.H., Absalan Fard K. Acute phase response in experimentally infected broilers with avian infectious bronchitis virus serotype 4/91. J HELLENIC VET MED SOC 2014; 65(1): 17-22.
  20. Khoshbakht R., Tabatabaei M., Shirzad Aski H., Seifi S. Occurrence of Arcobacter in Iranian poultry and slaughterhouse samples implicates contamination by processing equipment and procedures. British Poultry Science 201; 55(6):732-736.
  21. Seifi S., Boroomand Z. Ultrastractural study of the trachea in experimentally infected broilers with IBV serotype 4/91. Slovenian Veterinary Research 2015; 52 (1): 15-21.
  22. Seifi S., Sayrafi R., Khoshbakht R., Gilani A. Effects of Dietary Acetic Acid on Intestinal Microbiota, Serum Components, Internal Organs and Performance of Broilers. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research 2015; 3(2), 536-543.
  23. Khoshbakht R., Tabatabaei M., Hosseinzadeh S., Shirzad Aski H., Seifi S. Genetic Characterization of Campylobacter Jejuni and C. coli Isolated From Broilers Using flA PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Method in Shiraz, Southern Iran. Jundishapur J Microbiol. 2015; 8(5):e18573. 1-5.
  26. Seifi S., Araghi, A., Sayrafi R., Salehi, A. Effects of rice bran oil on qualitative properties of heart and breast muscle tissues in chicken embryo model. International Food Research Journal 2015, 22(5): 1894-1897.
  27. Goudarzi, H., Azizpour, A., Banani, M., Nouri, A., Seifi, S. Survey of tissue tropism and dissemination of ORT-R87-7/1387 strain of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale in SPF chickens. Veterinary Research & Biological Products (2015), 28(2), 2-8.
  28. Gilani A., Kermanshahi H., Golian A., Seifi S. Appraisal of the impact of aluminosilicate use on the health and performance of poultry. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2016 40: 255-262.
  29. Araghi A., Seifi S., Sayrafi R., Sadighara P. Safety assessment of rice bran oil in a chicken embryo model. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine 2016, 6(3): 351-356.
  30. Khoshbakht R., Seifi S., Raeisi, M. Antibiotic susceptibility and high prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli in iranian broilers. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire 2016, 167(5-6): 133-137.
  31. Seifi S., Khoshbakht R. Raeisi, M. Salmonellosis and Related Risk Factors in Broiler Flocks in Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran. International Journal of Enteric Pathogens 2016, 4(2): e34031.
  32. Sayrafi R., Golshahi H., Araghi A., Seifi S. Histopathological Evaluation of Dose Dependent Sulfadiazine-Associated Nephrotoxicity and Alteration on Oxidative Stress in Chicken Embryos. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2016 June; 18(6):e7360.
  33. Seifi S., Khoshbakht R. Prevalence of tetracycline resistance determinants in broiler isolated Escherichia coli in Iran. British Poultry Science 2016, 57(6): 729–733.
  34. Seifi S., Khoshbakht R, Sayrafi R., Hashemi A., Gilani A., Goudarzi B., Mehdinezhad H. Evaluation of prebiotic and probiotic in diets comprising rice bran on heat stressed broilers. Revue Méd. Vét., 2017, 168, 1-3, 30-37.
  35. Khoshbakht R, Seifi S., Karimi A., Khosravi M. Molecular Identification of Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Salmonella in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) Reared in Farms of Northern Iran. Journal of Food Quality and Hazards Control 4 (2017) 58-62.
  36. Azizpour, A., Goudarzi, H., Nouri, A., Seifi, S., Bijanzad, P. A study of Experimental Infection with Ornithobacterium Rhinotracheale on Pathogenesis of Avian Influenza Virus H9N2 Subtype. Journal of Veterinary Microbiology (2016), 12(2). (In Persian).
  37. Araghi A, Nazaktabar A, Sayrafi R, Salehi A, Golshahi H, Jahanbakhsh M, Seifi S. The Effects of in ovo Nanocurcumin Administration on Oxidative Stress and Histology of Embryonic Chicken Heart. Poultry Science Journal 2017, 5 (2):23-29.
  38. Saeed Seifi, Rahem Khoshbakht, Hosna Hajati and Ali Gilani. Appraisal of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) extract on production performance, internal organs, and gut microflora of japanese quail. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, v. 40, e37230, 2018.
  39. Saeed Seifi, Rahem Khoshbakht, Reza Sayrafi and Ali Gilani. Evaluation of a liquid yeast product on growth performance, anatomical structure, and gut microbiota of broilers challenged with suboptimal diet and heat stress. Revue Méd. Vét., 2018, 169, 4-6, 93-102.
  40. M.R. Pourelmi, S. Seifi, A.R. Abdoullahi Kakroudi and R. Khoshbakht. Evaluation of Single Cell Protein as a Non‐Conventional Feedstuff in Broilers Feeding. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2018) 8(1), 317-324.
  41. Partovi, R. and Seifi, S. Breast meat quality characteristics and its oxidative status during storage at refrigerator temperature and growth capabilities of Japanese quail fed by Echinacea purpurea extract. International Food Research Journal 25(5): 2018-2023 (October 2018).
  42. Saeed Seifi, Hojjatollah Shokri, Mahvash Karimi Madab. Isolation and characterization of mycoflora of chicken hatcheries in Mazandaran province, north of Iran. Veterinary Research Forum. 2018; 9 (4) 373 - 378.
  43. H. Hajati, S. Seifi, R. Sayrafi, and A. Gilani. Evaluation of diatomaceous earth on production, anatomical traits and quality of eggs in Japanese quail. The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 42(2):78 –81.
  44. Saeed Seifi, Atefeh Araghi, Valiallah Ebrahimnia, Samere Ghavami, Behrouz Dastar. Effect of nutrient density and lighting regime on serum biochemical profile of broilers. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (2019), 13(1). (In Persian).
  45. Saeed Seifi, Razieh Partovi, Rahem Khoshbakht, Ali Gilani. The Effect of Prebiotic Administration in the Diet at Unusual Times on Fecal Shedding of Salmonella enteritidis and Meat Characteristics of Broilers. Int J Enteric Pathog. 2019 August;7(3):75-79.
  46. H. Hajati, A. Gilani and S. Seifi. Scrutinizing of a Liquid Prebiotic on Growth Performance and Internal Organs of Japanese Quail. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2019), 9(3), 557-563
  47. Razieh Partovi, Saeed Seifi, Mahdieh Pabast, Amir Babaei. Effects of dietary supplementation with nanocurcumin on quality and safety of meat from broiler chicken infected with Eimeria species. Journal of Food Safety, 2019
  48. S. Seifi, R. Khoshbakht, A. Azizpour. Occurrence of Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Arcobacter in pet birds of northern Iran. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society (2019), 70(4): 1771-1776
  49. Saeed Seifi, Reza Sayrafi, Rahem Khoshbakht, Ali Gilani, Bahman Goudarzi. Evaluation of yeast culture and direct-fed microbial on gut histology and serum components of broilers challenged with suboptimal diets under heat stress. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences (2020), 42, e46828
  50. Razieh Partovi, Saeed Seifi, Mahdieh Pabast, Afsaneh Mohajer, Parisa Sadighara. Effect of dietary supplementation of nanocurcumin on oxidant stability of broiler chicken breast meat infected with Eimeria species. Veterinary Research Forum (2020), 11 (2):159 – 163
  51. Saeed Seifi, ali afzali larijani. Metastatic adenocarcinoma in a layer chicken flock (case report). Veterinary Clinical Pathology (2020), 14(54), 195-200. (In Persian).
  52. Afsaneh Mohajer, Saeed Seifi, Sassan Rezaie, Gholamreza Jahed Khaniki, Saeed Samarghandian, Tahereh Farkhondeh, Parisa Sadighara. Effect of Aloe Vera Extract on Reducing Aflatoxin B1 in Eggs of Laying Hen and Egg Yolk Oxidative Stability. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry , 11 (5): 12680 – 12688.
  53. Seifi, S., Khosravi, M. (2021). Circulation of Recently Reported Sub-genotype VII.1.1 of Newcastle Disease Virus in Commercial and Backyard Chicken in north of Iran. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine (2021), 15(1), 1-15.
  54. Behrokh Marzban Abbasabadi, Hannaneh Golshahi, Saeed Seifi. Pathomorphologial investigation of spondylolisthesis leaded to spondylosis in commercial broiler chicken with posterior paralysis: A case study. Vet Res Forum (2021), 12(2), 263–265.
  55. Khosravi, M., Seifi, S., Tazeh, Z. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of VIIl sub-genotype of avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolated from Eurasian magpie (Pica pica). Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research (2021), 22 (2), 155-160.
  56. Abbasabadi, B.M., Seifi, S., Golshahi H. Concurrent Occurrence of Avian Encephalomyelitis and Vitamin A Deficiency In Commercial Broiler Chicken Flock. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society (2021), 72(2), 2989-2992.
  57. Sadighara P, Mohajer A, Seifi S. Evaluation of the Effect of Aloe vera Extract on Aflatoxin B1 in Chicken Breast Muscle. Archives of Hygiene Sciences (2021), 10(2), 111-116.
  58. Partovi, P., Seifi, S., Alian Samakkhah, SH., Nikpay, A. Appraisal of Dietary Prebiotic Supplementation on Meat Properties and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens after Experimental Infection with Eimeria Species. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine (2021), 15(3), 336-347.
  59. Asadi N, Bozorgmehri-Fard MH, Seifi S, Khoshbakht R, Sheikhi N. Isolation, characterization, and genotyping of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale isolated from broiler and broiler breeder flocks in Mazandaran province, Northern Iran. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research (2022), 23(1), 32-38.
  60. Seifi S, Sadighara P, Mohajer A. Protective effects of Aloe vera powder supplementation on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of egg, histopathological changes and serum biochemistry of laying hens fed by Aflatoxin B1. Vet Res Forum (2022), 13(4), 507-512.
  61. Fatemeh Sheikhsamani, Razieh Partovi, Saeed Seifi, Maryam Azizhkani. Effect of dietary supplementation with Mentha pulegium and Rosmarinus officinalis on carcass characteristics, oxidative stability and quality of Japanese quail breast meat. Nutrition and Food Sciences Research (2022), 9(3), 13-20.
  62. Nima Asadi, Saeed Seifi, Mohammadhassan Bozorgmehri-Fard, Rahem Khoshbakht, Nariman Sheikhi. Isolation, Detection and Antibiotic Sensitivity Determination of Ornithobacterium Rhinotracheale in Commercial Chicken Farms with Respiratory Sings in Mazandaran Province. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (2023), 16(2), 57-64. (In Persian).

Books :

  1. Atlas of Clinical Avian Hematology, 2010. University of Mazandaran Publication. (Translation)
  2. Poultry development review, 2016. Amol University of Special modern Technologies. (Translation)
  3. Domestic Duck Production; Science and Practice, 2018. Amol University of Special modern Technologies. (Translation)
  4. Poultry inspection, 2019. Amol University of Special modern Technologies. (Translation)