Amol University of Special Modern Technologies
Saeid Moosavi

Scientific documents :

PhD: 2011-2013  Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), France
Master's: 2007-2009 Electrical Engineering  - Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)
Bachelor's: 2001-2005 Electrical Engineering  - Bojnurd University

Teaching fields :

• Analogue electronics courses, tutorials and practical work (ENA1 module and ENA2 module)

• Practical work: Electrical networks (Ener1 module)

• Practical work: Energy conversion (Ener2 module)

• Practical work on renewable energies, energy production and storage (Master 2 level)

• Energy conversion and storage technology (Master 2 level)

• Electrical energy distribution systems (Master 2 level)

• Operation of advanced power supply systems (Master 2 level)

• Power electronics 1 (semiconductor components) (Master 2 level)

• Power electronics 2 (AC/DC, DC/AC and DC/DC converters) (Master 2 level)

• Study of electrical machines (Master 2 level)

• Basic practical work in electrical engineering (OL47 module)

• Operational work tutorials (project) (module TO54, supervised by 2 students)

• Directed work on industrial and innovative work (module TW54)

• Electricity distribution stations,

• Electrical circuits

• Electrical machines (I, II, III)

• Logic circuits

• Physics of electricity and magnetism